Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 21 de novembro de 2011

Da Ficção Científica para a Realidade

Eu lembro-me destas máquinas nos filme e jogos Dune, Ficção Científica, tiravam umidade do ar do Planeta-Deserto, e armazenavam-na no subsolo;

Agora, são uma realidade!
E o melhor de tudo, é que esta ideia, concretizada agora, ajuda Agricultores de carne e osso... 

Device that harvests water from thin air wins the James Dyson Award

By Bridget Borgobello

Young Melbourne-based inventor Edward Linacre has won the 2011 James Dyson Award, making it the second year in a row where the prestigious prize has gone to an Aussie. Linacre stole this year's competition with his Airdrop irrigation concept that collects water from thin air. The Swinburne University of Technology design graduate was driven to transform an ancient cooling technique into a new sub-surface irrigation system, following the enduring Australian drought that saw high levels of farmer suicide along Australia's Murray- Darling Basin.

Uma Resina tão re-utilizável quanto o Vidro, ora aí está outra ideia que vai ser tão bem-vinda, quanto usada em tudo e mais alguma coisa, desde o Desporto até à Contrucção Civil, passando pela Aeronáutica...

Versatile new material combines "best qualities" of glass and resin

By Randolph Jonsson

Synthetic resins start out as viscous liquids that eventually solidify or "cure" into clear or translucent solids. These materials, which combine the desirable properties of strength, durability and light weight, are so useful that you can find them in thousands of applications, particularly aircraft, automobiles and electronic circuits. But for all that versatility, there's one thing that's remained elusive: once cured, resins can not be reshaped. Now, a team from France's National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS), led by award-winning physicist Ludwik Leibler, has developed an inexpensive and easily-produced material that is not only reshapable (like glass), but also repairable and recyclable, again, like glass. That's a potential boon for the auto body industry alone, and the possibilities for other uses are seemingly endless.

E do Blog da Ponoko, da Impressão 3D até ao Bronze Artístico, via Moldes, pooois, eu já tinha dito isso, uma data de vezes:

Peças impressas...

Peças Fundidas!

Sculptures made with motion capture, 3D printing, and bronze casting

From motion to object with digital tools.

Sculptural Motion is a project by Mathew Schwartz involving technology, sculpture, dance, and martial arts. First he used motion capture and to transform “beautiful” motions of arms and legs from dance and martial arts into forms. These forms were then 3D printed before being cast in bronze and finished. Keep reading past the jump for a video and images of each step.

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