Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 30 de julho de 2010

Novas Engenhocas

A Horizon fuel cell technologies, uma nova Empresa,fabrica Células Eléctricas de Hidrogénio, para pequenos,

e grandes tamanhos,

Mas o que eu acho mais porreiro, são estes Carros R/C a Hidrogénio!
Vão lá, a

Na Grâ-Bretanha, um Inventor e Empreendedor famoso, Dyson, o dos Aspiradores sem saco, vai aconselhar o novo Governo sobre como implementar a Inovação e a Productividade!
Dyson to advise government

Entrepreneur James Dyson has been recruited by the government to give advice on how to boost innovation and productivity.

The inventor of the see-through Dyson vacuum cleaner is being asked to help Trade & Industry Secretary Patricia Hewitt to come up with ways of helping the UK to compete against countries with much lower trading costs.

Mr Dyson has first-hand experience of the problems.

Last year he caused controversy by moving production of his vacuum cleaners from Malmesbury in Wiltshire to Malaysia, with the loss of 800 jobs, although for 210 of the workers alternative roles were found at Dyson's headquarters. 

Um exemplo a seguir...

Em Lisboa, já há uma loja que vende Lâmpadas de LED,
atarracham-se nos Casquilhos das lâmpadas de Filamento, e são muito mais seguras que as Lâmpadas de Mercúrio!
Como eles estão ainda a trabalhar no Site, eis a foto do Google Maps, tirada fora das horas de Expediente, mas dá para ver onde é:

Vão lá, eis a morada:
New Epoch Trading, Lda.
Avenida Afonso Costa 22 - A

1 comentário:

  1. I'm old enough to have seen them as the "latest thing", on Electronics Stores, way back when they were only Red, Yellow and Green, and weak enough only to serve as Indicators...
    Now, they light Car Lights, and Streets!
