Blog Posts

terça-feira, 7 de outubro de 2014

Uma Barragem caseira, a forma dum Campo Magnético, Super-Plantas, e uma Pinça para as Farpas

Se tiverem um pequeno Lago, ou um Terreno Alagado, que têem de escoar, porque não aproveitar para gerar Electricidade com ele?
É o que se pode fazer, com esta Turbina, cortesia de Well Scott, no Prepper Project:

A Clever 500 Watt “Pond Power” System

Well Scott Hunt is at it again, sharing another awesome project on his homestead.
And as we learned from him when we took a trip out to his homestead to shoot our product on How To Prepare For An EMP Attack… he REALLY knows his stuff.
So I thought I’d share one of his latest projects with you here in this video

Para terem uma ideia da FORMA dum Campo Magnético, isto é um bom começo...
Poderão até elaborar sobre a ideia;

Ou com uma Câmara Vídeo, e um LED na ponta da Gimball;

Ou com Robótica, para terem um registo da forma, pela medição do movimento e rotação da Engenhoca, á medida que passa ao longo do Campo, sim, têem aqui o necessário para fazerem um Scan 3D dum Campo Magnético...
Com um pouco de esforço!

Laser Magnetic Field Mapping

Have you ever wanted to visualize magnetic fields better?
Magnetic forces, invisible and acting at significant distance, fascinated me since a young age as an instance of "real magic".

You can get a good sense of the strength and direction of a strong magnetic field by loosely holding a magnet in your closed fist, but I wasn't happy with the resolution or clarity of this method: It's too hard to discern torques from translational forces, and if your hand confines the magnet's rotation, you can fool yourself about the direction of the field (For instance, if you rotate a magnet 180 degrees, you could change attraction to repulsion). Also, if one goal of such a visualization tool is to share the shape of the field with others, you want something visible, so a magnet held in your hand won't do.



Nunca iremos ver, provávelmente, uma ideia mais genial para refrescar e purificar o ar...
Plantas, a Esteróides!
Plantas nas quais se reforça tanto o fluxo de ar, como a irrigação, e que purificam o ar, ao mesmo tempo que enfeitam a sala!

Andrea air purifier makes plants 1000% more effective

Alyn Wallace

Having plants around your home is beneficial for many reasons. The most familiar benefit being the removal of CO2 from the air subsequent production of O2, but they also help remove toxins from the air keeping the room fresh. A French product designer and a Harvard University biomedical engineer teamed up back in 2007 to see if they could improve on this process.


... E não há Inventor, ou Engenhocas, que não martele, martele, entale, ou espete uma Farpa num dedo, regularmente, e o que é chato tirar as sacaninhas!
Pois eis como fazerem um par de Pinças que vão tirar todas as Farpas, de Madeira, ou de metal, ou mesmo de Fibra de Carbono!

Make the best tweezers around

How many times have you gotten a splinter or metal sliver stuck in your finger while working on your car or handling a piece of wood? You try to get it out using the tweezers that your wife, mom, girlfriend, or whoever has in the medicine cabinet. But, those cheap tweezers just won't get to the tiny splinter that you swear is a 3" nail in your finger. Most tweezers I have seen, have big fat blunt ends and cannot dig around a tiny splinter to grab it. Some do not even meet at the ends!

This is a very simple Instructable that will show you how to make your own pair of tweezers and will be MUCH better than any you can find in a drug store or a big box store. It also works great for working on tiny little parts that are hard to pick up. These will be the best pair of tweezers you have ever used.

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