Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 14 de agosto de 2017

48 Programas de Impressão 3D! E Oficina Garagem, uma Ventoínha sem pás, medir cantos, e uma Fresa CNC gigante!

A lista mais exaustiva de Programas de Modelagem e Impressão 3D que eu já vi, 48 Programas diferentes!

E podem seleccionar por  3 categorias, Versão grátis, Sem Instalação, e Bom para principiantes.

É bom.

The Best 3D Modeling and 3D CAD Software Tools For 3D Printing

We've compiled a curated list of all the different design suites out there. The software suites listed on this page are used extensively in the world of 3D printing. Whether you are just starting out with CAD design, or are an experienced designer looking to take things to the next level, you'll find something to suit your needs on this page. Look out for a star to see the software recommended by MyMiniFactory. If there is software you use that is not on the list, please contact us.

Neste Canal do Youtube, 300% Brasileiro, podem aprender uma data de coisas boas, por isso, vão lá, que o bacano sabe da coisa e sabe explicar bem, trabalho de categoria...
Vou ver se faço uns vídeos assim. 

Este em perticular, trata de como construírem este magnífico, embora simples de fazer, Fogão a lenha regulável: 


Fogão a Lenha Portátil / Wood Burning Stove - DIY
Oficina Garagem

Nesse vídeo vou mostrar o passo a passo de como fazer um fogão a lenha portátil com baixo custo de fabricação e ótimo custo beneficio, tanto serve para Camping como também para usar na sua casa.
Gastei nesse fogão cerca de 30 reais de materiais, basta você garimpar os ferros no ferro velho ou sobras em alguma serralheria.
Espero que gostem, deixe aquele like bacana e compartilhe com seus amigos nas redes sociais, um grande abraço e um beijo no coração.

Eis com fazerem uma Ventnoínha estilo Dyson, porque está calor cmo sei lá o quê, e assim não levam com o "martelar" tão próprio das Ventoínhas tradicionais...

3D Printed Portable Bladeless Fan

"A bladeless fan (sometimes called an air multiplier) blows air from a ring with no external blades." Dyson is a very popular company who has utilized this technology to make a quieter fan that performs better than more traditional versions. A common misconception is that "bladeless fans" are not actually bladeless. Instead of being external, a small fan is located in the pedestal and forces air out of a thin ring.
Here I'm building a very basic model which won't perform nearly as well as the Dyson models, but will be a small fraction of the price. This small model is easily portable and can be refreshingly used in a vehicle or outside as well as inside.
Parts printed on a Monoprice Maker Ultimate in PLA with a 0.4mm nozzle on a heated print bed.

Pode-se agora medir o Raio dos Cantos circulares de algo que queiram reproduzir, ou duplicar, com esta gigajoga impressa em 3D! 
Cortesia da JayconSystems, é perfeita para "reverse Engineering", e conserto, por substítuição, de peças que já não se fabricam mais:

How to Measure a Corner's Radius Using a 3D Printed Tool

The world is filled with millions of different objects all with different shapes, angles, lengths, heights, widths, surfaces, depths, volumes, geometries, etc… You get the point. There are many different ways of measuring all of these different objects. Here we will focus on measuring rounded corners on physical objects. This can be a difficult task without the right tools.
Our Mechanical Engineering Team at Jaycon Systems creates, reverse engineers, and tests hundreds of hardware projects every year, so in order to make our lives easier, we came up with a simple 3D printed tool to help measure the various radii (believe it or not that is the plural of radius) of the things we work on. We hope we make your life easier as well by making these files available to the public.

Cá temos uma Fresa CNC, mesmo a puxar pró grandinho, que pode estar mesmo a calhar para alguma Oficina de Garagem, por aí...
Um Sonho realizado, para muitos.

Build Big Cnc at Home 3x2m

So why this should be of any interest of yours?
This machine was build without any special tools, basicaly drill, clamps, saw and meter would do. Of course there is more, like drill bits or, taps... but i built this one without having even a proper table.
Machine was designed to use as few part as possible and to be as precise and strong as possible, also speed was desirable as i wanted to use it with plasma, then i also wanted to be able take the machine apart, build it from localy available components so no premade table parts are needed to make the build, and after all this this machine still needed to be nice and square. Weight of some components and force distribution was also thought over.
At the end here are some realy interesting solutions for problems i delt with, worth to check out, at least i believe so.

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