Blog Posts

quinta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2017

Um Forno de temperar metal! E fotos da passarada, uma Serra de Fita portátil, o vosso póprio Aduino Nano, e uma Mega-Lanterna LED

Se quizerem temperar Metal duma forma científicamente controlada, podem agora fazê-lo, a preceito, com um baratíssimo forno de Toradas, e uns truques!
É bom!
Muito importante para obterem peças em Aço com a dureza e flexibilidade que quizerem, molas ferramentas de corte, etc. 

PID Temperature Controlled Oven

With this instructable, we will take a cheap toaster oven and turn it into an accurate, temperature controlled tempering oven that will be able to achieve a stable and accurate temperature controlled by a microprocessor.
We will combine some common and off-the-shelf components to easily and safely achieve this goal.
Why do we want to do this? After heat treating steel, it's in a very hard and brittle state. So we can use it with less risk of it snapping, we want to temper it. Tempering will slightly soften steel, but more importantly will restore flexibility to it. Most steel manufacturers specify particular temperatures to temper steel at so you can achieve a given hardness rating.

Para fotos da passarada do vosso Quintal, enquanto não lá estão, que é quando eles estão à-vontade, contem com esta Engenhoca, que detecta os vossos amigos de asas, e os fotografa, enquanto vão às compras:

Simple PIR DSLR Camera Trap


The biggest problem I have capturing images of wildlife is not getting close enough to the subject. I never have enough time to sit and wait for them to come to me or they are easily spooked, and fly away at the first sign of movement. Using an simple, widely-available PIR motion sensor, I can leave my DSLR in the yard to capture images while I run errands, cut the grass, or even leave it out overnight.

Uma Serra de Fita que podem levar às Exposições, Trabalho de Campo, Campos de Aero-modelismo, e o mais que queiram, já existe, mas o que fazem com esta adaptação, é terem uma base fixa que vos permite tabalhar duma forma precisa, como nos modelos maiores:

Portable Bandsaw Metal Stand

I recently got a portable band saw for cutting metal.
In order to get the full potential out of it, I built a metal stand so I can use it like a traditional vertical bandsaw.
My stand is essentially a metal version of this wooden one made by Honus, coincidentally made to use with the same model of saw (DeWalt DWM120 Portable Band Saw).
If you're looking to make a metal stand for your portable bandsaw, hopefully this will help you out. It's a great project to practice some welding as well as a bit of precision metalwork. Thanks for checking this out.

O Arduino Nano é um Chip bacano, e podem agora fazer um em vossas casas!
Por isso, se têem amor ao Hobby da Soldadura, mãos à obra:

Make your own Arduino Nano (DIY - Arduino Nano)

Pratik Makwana  
In this instructable, I will show you how to make your very own Arduino Nano. I'm using laminator for the toner transfer method.
What things you will need:
Copper - clad board (Dual Layer)
Ferric Chloride (FeCl3)
Acetone (Nail polish remover)
Glossy Paper
LASER Printer
Marker Pen
Plastic container
Sand paper
Safety gloves
Latex gloves
Saw - For copper board cutting
Laminator or iron
Let's Do it...

Esta Lanterna, é um Farol!
Podem ter assim uma Fonte de Luz LED que mete respeito, para as vossas Experiências, e tudo o que envolva uma actividade nocturna sem outas condições.
Ou uma Garagem ou Cave onde têem de trabalhar, mas sem Luz de Jeito!

Mega Torch - the ultimate guide
Mega Torch Build!
Welcome! This instructable has been 'written' mainly as a set of detailed videos (10 in total including the 'fake' advert above). As such, you will find the text is sparse but, this is more than made up for during the in depth descriptions in the vlogs.
I hope you enjoy this build and hope you can find the time to subscribe to my YouTube channel.
In this series, each video is between 5 and 15 minutes long and so its time to get a nice cuppa, sit down and lets get started!
Happy making!

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