Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2016

Botões virtuais! Mais de 100 Projectos com o Arduino(!), Uma Gravadora Laser 5 Estrelas, Software portátil, e soldar sem Fumos

Podem agora aumentar as funções da Realidade Virtual...
Com Botões!
E cá está como o fazerem, e ainda com Links para obterem o Software para a mesma Realidade Virtual:

How to Augmented Reality Tutorial: Virtual Buttonsmatthewh8 
This tutorial is geared towards beginners so you won't need any prior experience with AR, Unity, or Vuforia. The video above goes through everything step by step. Overall, the video shows you how to implement virtual buttons with the augmented reality Vuforia SDK in Unity. This tutorial shows you how to create a zombie scene on top of a fiducial marker and then play a walking animation when your hand goes over the virtual button. Upon trying to figure out how to use these virtual buttons I quickly found that there is not much information online. I hope this video helps some people!
All you need to follow along is a computer with a webcam.
As far as software you will need Unity the Vuforia SDK: for watching!

Cortesia da Autodesk Circuits, vocês nunca mais se vão fartar do Arduino, não, com estes mais de 100 Projectos, desde Óculos de LEDs, até como fazerem o próprio Arduino, numa placa Breadboard!
E também vem com um link bacano, desta vez, para o Electronic Lab...

100+ Arduino Projects
Autodesk Circuits 
Whether you are just beginning or have extensive experience with Arduino, there is something here for everyone.
In the Electronics Lab, you can prototype and design before you build a circuit in real life. The lab also allows you to program and simulate any Arduino code in the editor.
If you've made something cool using Arduino, share it. We'd love to see it! All you have to do is post a link to your circuits design or Instructable on social media (Twitter, FB, Instagram) and mention us @adskcircuits. 

Isto é que é qualidade!
Já antes mencionei, e analizei, com Dicas, a Neje, que é uma máquina capaz de vos iniciar nas maravilhas da CNC, mas isto...
É outra coisa!
Maior, mais robusto, modular, vale bem o preço mais elevado:

How do you usually represent your ideas, through drawing, taking photos or engraving it on your favorite objects? This Mini XY Laser Engraver, a perfect combination of Makeblock metal beams, stepper motors, a MegaPi and an engraving laser head, allows you to engrave everything you want. Compared with XY Plotter (with Laser Engraver Upgrade Pack), Mini XY Laser Engraver is much more portable but of the same capabilities. 

Uma grande dica, mais uma, dos nossos amigos da apometron downloads, uma carrada de Software Portátil, que se pode pôr numa Pendisk, e andar por todo o lado com Programas que são capazes de seintalar emqualquer PC!
E isto, num Download Grátis...
Muito bom!

winPenPack: Portable Software Collection 
winPenPack is a project that aims at collecting the most frequently used and most popular open source applications made portable, so that they can be executed without installation from any USB Flash Drive or Hard Disk. The winPenPack suites offer a wide range of portable applications like office tools, internet tools, multimedia tools, development tools, security applications and other frequently used utilities. Everything you need, completely free, open source and portable!

Eu adoro electrónica, mas odeio soldar!
Eu, e a minha Rinite Alérgica, e saber que "fumar" Chumbo, dá cabo da Saúde a qualquer um...
Por isso, um ganda "Bravo!" para este Projecto, que não só vos tira o fumo debaixo do nariz, com, com Carvão Activado, não espalha esse fumo pelas vossas salas!

Solder Fume Extractor With Activated Carbon Filter
For years I've endured soldering without any ventilation. This is not healthy, but I got used to it and didn't care enough to change this. Well, until I got the chance to work in a lab of my university a few weeks ago...
Once you've experienced the huge benefit of a solder fume extractor you never, ever want to solder without one again.
I didn't wanted to invest much money or time, though. This design is simple yet pretty, can be build within an hour and is student-budget friendly. But most importantly: The air is not just pushed around, but cleaned through an activated-carbon filter. It has a "suction range" of about 20cm and can handle even gross amounts of fumes from additional flux. 

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