Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 13 de julho de 2015

Enviem Indiegogo! E descubram fugas no carro, Projectos Tesla, e Anodizar Titâneo

Agora, a Indegogo traz-nos mais uma Funcionalidade bacana, se as vossas campanhas forem bem-sucedidas, e perks já estiverem a ser feitos, têem o Envio à carga da Indiegogo!
É mesmo MUITO bom! 

Shipping Now 
Shipping Now is a new way to explore perks from popular Indiegogo campaigns. Anyone can explore Shipping Now and contribute to claim a perk from the InDemands listed!
Is my campaign eligible for Shipping Now?
To be eligible to have perks considered for inclusion in Shipping Now, your campaign must meet all of the following criteria
Campaign must have met goal and deadline
Campaign must be in InDemand
Campaign must have perks that are shipping now 

Se pularem para a parte que interessa, 0:38, vão ver neste Vídeo, como se detectam Fugas em tudo o que é circulação no carro e não só; Combustível, Ar-Condicionado, Lubrificação, Hidraúlica, etc.
Trata-se dum Líquido que é visível à luz Ultra-Violeta, mais Óculos especiais, e uma Lanterna de Ultra-Violetas.
Por onde houver fuga, vê-se logo.
Aproveitem, que vos poupa a muita neura!

How to find leaks in your car with a UV light and dye.
Scotty Kilmer 
Emmy award winning mechanic Scotty Kilmer shows how to find leaks in your car using a small UV light and UV dye. And, If you like my car help, be sure to watch my live car talk show every Saturday morning at 10 AM CST on YouTube. I answer your car questions LIVE there.

E eis aqui uma colectânea de Instructables, só com Projectos Tesla, por isso é de escolher um... 
Ou todos!


Tesla Coil Projects
Invented around 1861 by Nikola Tesla, the Tesla coil has been fascinating folks for over 150 years. Whether you're looking to build one for practical reasons or just because it's neat-o, check out the best Tesla coil projects on Instructables for inspiration before you start your own build.

E se tiverem peças em Titâneo, estou a pensar em Aeromodelistas, Ciclistas, mesmo Ourives, e outros Engenhocas à escolha, podem agora Anodizá-las, por um desates dois métodos, categoria:

How to EASILY Anodize Titanium at Home (2 Methods)
Titanium anodizing is an extremely cool and rewarding project that is very easy to do at home. Anodizing is used industrially for enhanced corrosion resistance on metals like aluminum. Anodizing is also used as a decorative process for titanium jewelry as a wide range of colors can be achieved.
If you liked this instructable please vote for me. I would really appreciate it :D 

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