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sexta-feira, 3 de julho de 2015

Ciclone em 20 Minutos! Mais um Rádio de onda curta com 3 transistores, Steppers com Arduino, e Stepper ainda mais barato!

Este Instructable vai para todos os Engenhocas, Carpinteiros, Modelistas, e o que mais seja, que acumulem pó nas suas Oficinas...
Em 20 Minutos, constroem este Separador Ciclone, que não vos encherá mais os Sacos dos Aspiradores, pelo menos, não tão cedo!
É bom!

Super easy cyclone!

 I had a need for a cyclone separator for my CNC because it keeps plugging the filter in my shop vac. I didn't want to spend a bunch time building one so I though I would put one together as simple as I could and checks its efficiency. I think it turned out pretty good for a total of 20 minute work time to build it. 

Para todos os Rádio-Amadores, e Engenhocas da Electrónica, cá vai este Brinde, um Rádio de Onda Curta, que podem construír com 3 Transistores, e pouco mais: 


Three Transistor Short Wave Radio


The 60's and 70's were the golden age of electronic kit building. The novice had a great many educational kits to choose from that taught basic skills and electronics theory while assembling a device that could do something useful or entertaining. An advanced builder could use "sweat equity" to inexpensively obtain popular electronic products like HiFi stereo systems, color televisions, CB radios, and automotive test equipment.
Today there are still quite a few electronics kits available for education purposes, but rapidly evolving features and shrinking components ended the consumer electronics kit business. I would have loved to have assembled some of the products that were popular in the 70's, but unfortunately most of the companies that made all those wonderful kits were gone when I began my career.
In honor of a great set of educational Radio Shack electronics project kits available during the 60's and 70's, I've redesigned the original Science Fair brand Three Transistor Shortwave Radio (Catalog #28-110) using modern components still available from electronics component re-sellers in the US. All of the components in the updated kit can be found on Amazon. There were many things Radio Shack did extremely well during its prime. For the nostalgic or the enthusiast who would like to build an updated version of this classic radio I've included schematics, parts information, assembly documentation, and pictures of a completed and tested Three Transistor Short Wave Radio based on the original from 1968.
Visit for more information! 


Têem um Arduino, e querem usá-lo para ainda mais um fim imprevisto?
Pois podem pô-lo a controlar um Motor Stepper, pode ser um daqueles que sacaram, ao desmontar mais uma Impressora...

Só porque sim! 


Controlling a Stepper Motor with an Arduino

This tutorial will show you how to operate a stepper motor that was salvaged from an old printer with an Arduino.
 A stepper motor consists of two main parts, a rotor and a stator. The rotor is the part of the motor that actually spins and provides work. The stator is the stationary part of the motor that houses the rotor. In a stepper motor, the rotor is a permanent magnet. The stator consists of multiple coils that act as electromagnets when an electrical current is passed through them. The electromagnetic coil will cause the rotor to align with it when charged. The rotor is propelled by alternating which coil has a current running through it.
Stepper motors have a number of benefits. They are cheap and easy to use. When there is no current send to the motor, the steppers firmly hold their position. Stepper motors can also rotate without limits and change direction based on the polarity provided. 


...E se não tiverem um Arduino, nem Steppers, então, façam um Controle vocês mesmos, com Motores que fica bem mais barato.
Notem que neste controlador, não podem inverter o sentido de rotação dos motores, mas tudo é tão barato, que bem podem pôr 2 motores, em contra-rotação, funcionando ora um, ora o outro, para isso! 

Motor Controllers for Cheap Robots 2
Hello and welcome! For those of you who haven't read any of my I'bles before, and for those of you unfamiliar with my For Cheap Robots series, I'm all about building robots on the cheap using simple materials that you can find around your house! If you've ever wanted to get into robotics, but don't know what you're doing and don't have the money for an expensive robotics kit, you are my kind of people!
Previously in this series, I covered how to make some super cheap wheels for your motors, but those motors can't go anywhere without some power! Problem is, most micro-controllers won't be able to power very many motors all at once, and certainly not any large motors. To solve this, we use a sort of electronic switch called a transistor. This allows the micro-controller to turn on and off the power to the motor very easily! That way the micro-controller still controls the motor, but the power comes from somewhere else!
This was the simplest circuit I could come up with for controlling motors. It won't let you change which direction the motors turn, but it will let you turn your motors on and off, which is enough to do some simple things.

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