Blog Posts

quinta-feira, 2 de abril de 2015

Impressora monobloco, um Corrector de Impressões, um Mini-Torno de Madeira, e Tekever na Fox!

Eis uma Impressora 3D que aposta na simplicidade, e assim há pouco que estar constantemente a calibrar...
Para além de outros truques porreiros:

Tiko "unibody" 3D printer hits Kickstarter

Dario Borghino 

Tiko, a new budget 3D printer seeking funding through Kickstarter, takes a number of interesting design choices to minimize costs without sacrificing the quality of the print – chief among these is the use of a cheap, single-part "unibody" frame that requires very little calibration.
Ordinarily, the frame is one of the most expensive components of a 3D printer. To allow for precision printing, the multiple beams that make it up need to be machined to a high standard and then regularly aligned during their lifetime to ensure a consistent performance. This raises costs and makes it so that users often need to spend time calibrating the beams before they can start using their printers.
The Tiko gets rid of these complications with an enclosed "unibody" design that incorporates the pre-aligned beams on the inside of its frame. According to its creators, the result is a strong and lightweight chassis that is virtually impossible to misalign and that can 3D-print with accuracy (down to 50 microns) despite the lack of high-precision components.

Algumas Impressoras, algumas Impressões deixam muito a desejar, em termos de Qualidade...
Pois agora, podem corrigir isso com este Corrector de Impressões!
Alguém tinha de pensar nisto.

Retouch3D cleans up the glitches on 3D-printed items

Ben Coxworth

If you've never used a 3D printer, then you might not be aware of the fact that the objects they create don't always emerge in their final, flawless form. They often contain small printing errors, fringes of stray material, and supporting structures that need to be removed. Retouch3D uses heat to melt away those imperfections.
People already use things such as soldering irons, razor blades and sandpaper to finesse their 3D-printed creations. According to the designers of Retouch3D, however, their device allows for much more precise control.
This is partly because its heat level can be set to the melting point of the printing material in question – examples include things like PLA (polylactic acid), ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene), resins or even wax. Users can look up those temperatures on the company website.

E que tal terem em vossa casa um Mini-Torno?
Este é para Madeira, e já ajuda muito, para uma data de coisas, como Modelagem, e trabalhar Plástico e até Alumínio.
Parece que com cera de Parafina, nas Ferramentas de Madeira, pode-se trabalhar Alumínio, sem arruínar as tais ferramentas...
Lembrem-se é que o Alumínio não muda de cor, quando aquece!

Mini Wood Lathe

Before I begin, I would like to ask you to vote for this instructable. It was made as an entry for the Tools Contest here on Instructables, and I would very much appreciate your vote. Winning contests helps me build, upgrade and stay interested in this hobby, and continue creating more content for you readers. Thank You

A little over two months ago, I found plans for this mini lathe in an issue of Shopnotes, and decided that I would try to build it in time to be entered in the Tools Contest. I had never built a wooden machine before, but seeing lots of them over on, I was very excited to try one on my own. I am only 15 years old now, so my experience in woodworking is quite limited, but I still managed to complete it without too many problems along the way. Along with the lack of experience, I also do not have a large lumber supply. I built the entire lathe out of scrap plywood found in the garbage. My dad occasionally finds cut-off pieces of 3/4 inch plywood on job sites, and having a few around was enough to complete the project. (The only parts I had to purchase was a longer v-belt, and some large nuts and bolts.)


E apareceu na Fox, esta Empresa Portuguesa, por isso, cá vai a Notícia, para vos inspirar a fazerem aquilo que sonham fazer, sem medos, nem complexos de Inferioridade!
Vão à luta!

Tekever CEO on the company’s brain-controlled drone

Mar. 26, 2015 - 4:10 - Tekever Co-Founder and CEO Ricardo Mendes on the ‘brain drone’ allowing users to control a drone using brainwaves.

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