Blog Posts

quinta-feira, 18 de abril de 2013

O Torno Fonly-ish! E arrumar a cablagem, Colunas coloridas, e Zamzar!

Como ninguém o tinha feito, ainda...
Eis o Torno Fonly, em versão de corte de placas por CNC.
Tirando partido das possibilidades do Desenho Vectorial, e do Corte CNC, é convosco arranjarem uma Placa de 79 por 38 Cm, de 6 mm de espessura, e arranjarem um Fablab ou outro sítio para a cortar...

É que é mesmo um grande Projecto, uma data de peças...

Fonly-ish Lathe basic parts
A CNC plate-cut take on the glorious Fonly Lathe.
Hey, since we can, let's make use of every aspect of the Fabbing Revolution, to improve our Workshop...
Use one cut for 6mm plate, or 2 cuts for 3mm.

Instructables vem ao auxílio daqueles Engenhocas com fios e Cabos por todo o lado, ou seja, todos nós...

Wire Management Accessories from Inventables!
Nobody likes a rats nest of wires cluttering up their beautiful project. To help tame your wires, we now offer everything you need to keep those cables in order and looking as great as you.

Eis um Projecto para quem queira usar a Impressão 3D para fazer umas Colunas à maneira, com efeitos de Luz, e tudo...

3D Printed Speaker Enclosures (With Lights!)
Evan Atherton
This project was a demonstration of the potential of 3D printers to create high-fidelity, finished products. We wanted to create something that could only be created by means of additive manufacturing. The ultimate goal was to create a functional, consumer-ready piece that took advantage of the strengths of 3D printing. This project was also an exploration in the role of digital design tools in the 3D printing world, and how we could combine digital tools in new ways to create unique objects.

Já me tinha esquecido disto, mas voltei a precisar, quando quizerem transformar um documento Pdf, num ficheiro editável, ou milhentas mais conversões, não percam tempo e espaço no Disco a instalar uma data de programas, vão a este Site grátis, o Zamzar!

About Us 
Zamzar is dedicated to helping you transform your songs, videos, images and documents into different formats. Our mission is: "To provide high quality file conversion for as many file formats as possible" 
We are intent on bringing order to your filesystem by offering you a one stop solution for all your file conversion needs. Like others we were fed up with having files in all sorts of formats, and no easy way of converting between them - the quest to find a better way led to the birth of Zamzar. 

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