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quinta-feira, 25 de abril de 2013

Uma Impressora 3D de alto detalhe, e notícias da Comsol

Da Itália, vem esta nova Impressora 3D de Secretária, e promete uma muito maior resolução, reparem que ao lado do Objecto impresso, está uma moeda de 1 Cêntimo!

Desktop 3DLPrinter offers high resolution at a high price

Jason Falconer

Digital Light Processing (DLP) is the method of choice for the next generation of personal 3D printers. The DLP process prints objects with a very fine resolution that surpasses that of typical Fused Filament Fabrication (RepRap) printers which extrude molten plastic layer by layer. An Italian company called Robot Factory has created the latest prosumer printer. If judged by appearances alone, the 3DLPrinter would be one of the more attractive 3D printers we've seen – but can it measure up to its competition? 
Like most 3D printers, the 3DLPrinter outputs sliced STL files at a minimum X/Y resolution of 50 microns, and a minimum Z resolution of 1 micron. However, this is somewhat difficult to verify as the example objects have a layer thickness of 50 microns and 100 microns. If it can actually print at 1 micron in the Z axis, it would qualify as one of the most accurate printers available today.

E a COMSOL realiza em Roterdão, em Julho, uma Comferência sobre Multi-simulação em computador, de vários aspectos da Física e Electricidade, dos vossos Modelos, por isso, cá vai a notícia:

COMSOL Conference 2013 Rotterdam

The premier event for Multiphysics Modeling & Simulation. Connect with the makers of COMSOL Multiphysics and participate in over 50 training opportunities and events explicitly designed for the engineering community.

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