Blog Posts

terça-feira, 20 de março de 2012

RazorLabs com desconto, MIT com um Concurso, e Sculpteo 3D Printing Cloud Engine!

Os nossos amigos da Razoelabs estão a fazer mais um Desconto, 20% em todas as Encomendas, lembrem-se foi assim que eu mandei cortar a ElastomatiK lá:

Hello there RazorLABbers!
Today is the first day of spring, time to shake off those winter blues and get making!

It's nearly Easter time, the time to over indulge, and we thought we would spoil you with a treat of our own - 20% off all orders until midnight 9th April! Use this coupon code: ZLHESS to redeem your Easter treat and spend your holidays assembling your latest project. Spread the springtime joy and share with your friends!

For all the students out there, spring is also the time to start knuckling down and the hard work begins. We know it's a tough time and we want to help ease the pressure so we offer all students a 10% discount on their orders. To take advantage of the offer use coupon code: YCHPEO (expires 31/12/12). Share with your class mates, and if you're not a student yourself, perhaps you know someone who is? Son, Daughter, brother, sister, cousin, neighbour...

O MIT em Portugal tem de novo o Concurso "Buiding Global Innovators", para criar Inovadores a nível Global:

Building Global Innovators is back!

3rd Edition is open - submit your application here.
Deadline: 1st May
Here's a few numbers from our track record:
  • 80% of the promoters succed in launching a start-up
  • 69% raised funding, of which over 60% is from Venture Capital sources
  • 50% of the start-ups doubled their teams, creating 35 new jobs
3-step rule to preparing a winning submission:
  1. Read Rules & Regulations
  2. Get inspired by previous year's Award winners (1st Ed, 2nd Ed.)
  3. Then prepare and send us your submission
Beeing one of the 20 selected teams really depends on your effort

E Retalhistas, eis uma maneira de personalizarem os vossos Produtos, através da Sculpteo:

So You Are Thinking About Integrating the Sculpteo 3D Printing Cloud Engine Into Your Store?

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