Blog Posts

domingo, 17 de janeiro de 2021

Desinfectem co UV! E um Smartwatch Arduino, Uma Fresa CNC de 5 eixos, dobrar Acrílico, Técnico de Electrónica em casa, e PINAS

Isto é muito importante! 

Fazer um Desinfectante em casa, e para os Idosos, por meio de Ultra-violetas, é uma salvação para quem precisa, mas não pode comprar...

Atenção, é um Desinfectante, não um Esterilizante! O que quer dizer que elimina "só" 99,9% dos organismos:

DIY Ultraviolet Sterilization Device (UVClean)




Hi all and welcome to my very first instructable! In this step by step guide, you will learn how to create your very own ultraviolet sterilization device that can be used as either a wand, or as an automatic sterilization chamber. The device, called the UVClean, uses a special UVC bulb that can sterilize nonporous surfaces in a matter of minutes.

Features include:

-Sturdy and ergonomic design

-Genuine 253.7nm 3.5W UVC bulb

-Bi-color OLED display

-Passcode protected interface

-Comprehensive menu system

-Continuous handheld mode, and automatic timer mod

 2) This device is in fact a sanitizer, not a sterilizer. Sanitizing is the process of removing most organisms from a surface 99.9%, while sterilizing is the process of removing ALL organisms from a surface. This device is not medical grade, and it should not be perceived as such.

Podem fazer o vosso próprio SmartWatch, com estes Circuitos Integrados Atmega, uma versão minúscula do Arduino:

How to Make Arduino Smartwatch With Custom PCB

 Aarav G

Tinkercad Projects »
Hi all, in this instructable you will see how a smartwatch can be made using an Arduino board and a few other components. We are going to design and get a custom PCB fabricated which will be the motherboard of our watch housing the main circuit and the brain of the watch ATmega 328P which we will salvage from an Arduino Nano board.

I have chosen the Arduino Nano and not the more commonly used Arduino UNO because the Nano features a Surface Mount chip so it's much more compact and in this project, space is key because we need to fit all the components in the least space possible.

I am going to use a 160 mAh Li-Po (Lithium Polymer) battery which will easily be able to power the watch on regular use for at least a week which is quite good enough. We will use a USB battery charging module for charging the battery. This will also have a USB port in it to charge the battery!

I have designed the body of the watch in a 3d design software and you can easily get it 3d-printed anywhere. This was we can keep the watch completely personalised according to your need. The watch will be activated by using a push-button present at the side of the watch.

The watch will have Bluetooth functionality and will be connected to an app that can be used to track data. It can count the steps, distance and the calories burnt using an accelerometer module. With the same components and in some iterations in the code and the app, we can also easily track messages and calls received on the phone through the smartwatch! The watch will also have a heartrate measuring sensor in it which will be able to measure your pulse and I have tried it out.It's pretty accurate!

Uma fresa CNC de 5 eixos!

É preciso dizer mais?

Com este bicho, podem produzir uma série de objectos que antes apenas sonhavam fazer!

DIY Desktop 5-axis CNC Mill


OK, you bought your router and you are happy with it. If you are an artist.

But... if you are an engineer... you probably are not so happy.

You cut some 2D stuff. Then try some 2.5D and start getting excited. And then, there comes a day when you start wondering... What if I can make something more out of my 3-axis router?

Then it comes to your mind that you can always convert one of the axis from linear to rotary! Yes this is it! You start doing it... you succeed, but deep down inside you know it.

You have to go all the way to the end and do it properly. You need to make the conversion to a full 5-axis machine to be satisfied! If you feel like it, then follow my lead.

Mais uma séria ampliação das vossas máquinas, com isto, o Acrílico pode ter uma 3ª dimensão, dobrando as peças, fazendo assim concretizado mais outro sonho Geek!

Acrylic Bending Tool


In this instructable / video I am going to show you how you can make simple, cheap and very useful acrylic bending tool. It opens new possibilities and ways you can work with acrylic.

Provided Amazon links are affiliates

Ganhar a vida a fazer o que se gosta, Electrónica e Reparações, e em casa?

Isso é muito bom!

Eis o necessário para começarem uma carreira Geek-.

Getting set up for working from home as an electronics engineer.

Andrew Back

There are often times when it would be convenient to work from home, such as when we need to be physically present for some reason or given the current situation, when remote working might help limit the spread of coronavirus. Not to mention that it’s also handy having a setup to work on spare time projects and the inevitable, “I wondered if you could fix this?” jobs.

This post takes a look at getting a home workspace set up with the typically essential tools and equipment for working on electronics. Of course, what may be required in practice is going to vary depending upon the precise nature of the work and replicating a production line or advanced laboratory capabilities, for example, may prove a little more challenging.

Mais Geek, PINAS é útil para muitas coisas, sistemas de Ficheiros, Redes, e Mecanismos de Segurança, por isso construam e aprendam:

PiNAS - the Raspberry Pi NAS



This instructable describes the build of a very compact Raspberry Pi powered two bay network attached storage (NAS).


Super small

Easy to build

Simple setup


Perfect for learning about network, file system, security mechanisms

Raspberry Pi 2 or 3 can be used (Pi 4 with some tweaks)

Powered by a single USB cable

Can use WiFi

Uses notebook hard drives

hard drives are hotswappable

Two USB ports for further hardware

Easy to open case

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