Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 6 de julho de 2016

Printtable, Impressora 3D a partir de peças da IKEA! e Luzes para a Garagem, Um Purificador do Ar Open Source, uma Roda de Genevra, e um Grelhador a palitos

Isto é que é uma ideia bacana!
Ptinttalbe, de Print + Table, é uma Impressora 3D feita com Mobília IKEA, grande, impecável, e fácil de montar... Para além de ser de um Design limpo e funcional, sem ceder n aspecto estético, mesmo digno de nota.
Um portento. 

PRINTTABLE the Affordable, Attractive IKEA Lack Table Hack to create a 3D Printer

Being interested in 3D printers since 2011 after purchasing a
BFB 3D Touch (Now 3D Systems with the latest model being the Cube Pro costing over £2000) I wanted to build a stable Large build platform 3D Printer for a fraction of the price.
Many Enthusiast's entries into the 3D printer market comes from the purchase of the Prusa i3 kit and in keeping with the good work of the Joseph Prusa design I felt it would be great if the design could be simple.
One of the many drawbacks I noticed was the overall finished look of the DIY kits; i set upon the task of creating a product that not only was affordable and easy to build but one which had style and form a look in keeping with the futuristic possibilities 3D printing brings.

Um sem-fim de Engenhocas tem de fazer do Sótão, Cave, ou Garagem, a sua Oficina...
E trabalhar com Máquinas às escuras é, digamos, ALGO perigoso!
Por isso, é bem-vindo este Instructable, que vos permite ter uma Linha de LEDs que vai iluminar a Sala, e por pouco dinheiro:

Inexpensive garage lights from LED strips

Hello all you happy people. Welcome to my first instructable.
This project came about as I recently rebuilt my garage and found myself in need of complete lighting throughout.
I had two main objectives: I wanted bright/even coverage and I wanted to do it as inexpensively as possible.
For a number of reasons I wanted to use all LED lighting for my project but the commercial products were cost prohibitive. At the time of this writing, 4 foot shop lights are going for $40 and higher. I did some research and before long came across inexpensive lighting strips from China. The strips are sold in 5m lengths (16.5 ft) and can be found on ebay for $5-7 each. But how to use them?
After a lot of thought, I came up with the idea of putting them directly onto my trusses. This would give me even lighting throughout and a clean modern look.
I found that one LED strip wasn't bright enough, so I added a second for more light. This is probably enough for general lighting but I wanted MORE POWER and added a third. Why not at this price, right? To give you an idea of the coverage, my garage is 24'x40'. I'm putting lights on 5 trusses and they are 8'6" off the ground.

Para um melhor Qualidade de Vida, eis uma oferta de peso...
O vosso próprio Purificador de Ar, que fazem em casa, porque é Open Source!
Obrigado, Ian van Mourik.

Hi y’all,
I'm Ian van Mourik a Product Designer from the Netherlands. This instructable is a brain child that I just had to share with the world. Bad air quality causes various health problems and purification solutions are often complex and expensive. The solution is an open source no nonsense air purifier: the OPEN AIR!
This instructable is based on my first experimental prototype of the OPEN AIR.
It’s meant to be a platform to build upon and improve. My personal goal is to test and improve the design and effectiveness. Collectively we can provide new and better solutions. The modular filter design makes it possible to change and test different kind of filters.
This Design is based on a carbon type filter in collaboration with two pressure optimized 120mm 12v PC fans. It´s controlled by an Arduino with a gas sensor and a LED panel for subtle visual feedback.
If you decide to build your own OPEN SOURCE AIR PURIFIER, be ready to roll up your sleeves, because this won't be an easy one. It will include laser cutting, 3D printing, prototyping, soldering, programming and a lot of other bits and bobs. It will be an advanced instructable. But don't let it scare you, because the reward is big, very big! Like thousands cubic meters of fresh pure clean air big.
Good luck! 

Para fazerem algo mais que pisa-papéis e bustos do Yoda, com a vossa Impressora 3D, eis algo de prático e Didáctico, a Roda de Genebra, que transforma uma rotação contínua em  6 passos pausados, algo que pode servir para muito Protótipo.

3D Printed Geneva Drive
This project was originally posted on
The Geneva Drive is an elegant mechanism used to convert rotary motion into intermittent motion. There is a YouTube video above as well as on my Instagram feed.
I’ve designed the parts for this project in Autodesk Fusion 360. If you have access to a 3D you can follow these construction instructions to make your own 3D printed Geneva Drive.
Download the STL files from the link above. They should be suitable for most 3D printers. I printed the parts out in a variety of colours of PLA from using an Ultimaker 2. 

Para Churrascadas e Sardinhadas, eis algo que vos poupa uma boa maquia em Carvão, porque o Rocket Stove, do qual esta Grelhadora é uma variante, aproveita todo o Combustível, de tal maneira que nem sai Fumo!
O que também é bom, principalmente para quem sofre de Alergias, ou não quer problemas com a Vizinhança: 

Rocket Grill!
Want a D.I.Y. way to cook food WITHOUT using fossil fuel L.P. or having to buy charcoal? I know I did. That's why I built a "Rocket Grill"!
This is just one variation of a "rocket stove" - a simple appropriate technology for cleanly burning bio-fuels.
The rocket grill is fired by twigs, wood scraps, wood chips, or nearly anything else you can put in it. It naturally drafts air to maximize combustion. Once the the grill is really going, NO smoke comes out the top, only heat, and the grill really does sound like a rocket!
The grill is designed to not only grill, but also boil, bake, braise, and roast!
Because of the simple design and robust construction, it is nearly maintenance free. Unlike an LP grill, the burner will never burn and rust away to nothingness. (And cost good time and money to replace.) There is no piezo-electric starter or other "modern" technology in the grill, which would be prone to failure. 

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