Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 24 de março de 2014

Aparelhos auditivos Open-Source? E inovar no Turismo, 100 exemplos de Pdfs, e Uma Caixa de Ferramentas PC

Isto é mesmo fabuloso!
Um par de aparelhos auditivos, mas dos de qualidade, do melhor, por 250 Euros, e que se fazem personalizar em vossas casas, por uma Engenhoca também fornecida.
Parabéns pela ideia, e, lá está, já ultrapassou em muito a quantia-alvo, de tão impecável que esta ideia é!

The First Affordable Invisible Hearing Aid with Superior Sound by iHear

Hear crisp natural sounds again to reconnect with family and friends. Hearing aid delivered to your home. Adjust settings yourself and save thousands of dollars

Are you one of the millions with hearing loss and without a solution?
Do you know a loved one who suffers from hearing loss and is unaware, in denial, or refuses to pay for an over-priced hearing aid?
Quality hearing aids are customized in clinics and are outrageously expensive -- costing thousands of dollars
Cheap hearing aids that you order online or by mail are notoriously ineffective.  
iHEAR HD is the world’s first high quality invisible hearing aid that you customize and fine-tune at home for $199, saving you time and thousands of dollars

Jack Soifer continua a inovar no Sector do Turismo, por isso, cá vai, para a vossa apreciação, o últimp Pdf dele, sobre esse e outros assuntos:

Achado por acaso, eis 100 maneiras de como fazerem Pdfs à maneira, é um fartote!
E é 100% Grátis...
É bom!

100 Instant PDF Templates
1. 100 Instant PDF Templates! Just Add Your Text and, hey-presto, stunning looking PDFs without the hassle! If you would like to publish neat PDF Files from MS Word, I have good news!  These instant PDF templates make it super easy! Click here to visit my site to download this file, and best of all, it’s FREE…!

Eis algo de bacano para fazer com as Caixas dos vosso Computadores Pessoais velhos, uma Caixa de Ferramentas.
Uma das tais ideias que grita "-Porque é que eu não me lembrei disto?"
Mas podem mas é começar já a usar, têem este Instructable mesmo para isso:

PC to Portable workstation/toolboxmichaelgohjs
Here is the back story for my project. (Ignore if you don't like boring "stories")
So i acquired 3 Dell Optiplex GX400 (pretty obsolete) desktops, after stripping it down bare to salvage parts i din't know what to do with the cases. Initially I wanted to toss them out for recycling but i thought I might as well reuse/upcycle it into something better. At the same time my summer break was coming to an end and I had to pack up my tools to be transported back to collage where I stay away from home. So it struck me to put one and one together and build a toolbox out of the old PC case. Its portable enough for me to transport between collage and home, and can be packed up into a really compact formfactor for storage or transport.

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