Blog Posts

quinta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2014

Emachineshop, Omerod, e as Workshops da FabLab EDP

A Emachineshop pode-vos permitir um mundo de opções, na fabricação de peças, e ainda, vos permite, não só encomendar, como ter um programa CAD de borla!
E um programa onde podem especificar os Materiais, e as Espessuras, a partir de Listas bastante completas, que já vos dão uma ideia concreta do preço dos material e do trabalho a ser feito...
Agora, observem, como podem mandar fazer uma peça que precisem, apenas a partir duma foto:

Create custom metal and plastic parts through our ONLINE machine shop!
Why waste time with conventional machine shops and waiting for quotations? Reduce your total time up to 90%. Inventors, businesses, contractors and universities have created thousands of custom parts in a wide variety of materials. Get started today by downloading our free CAD software.

Eis aqui como correm as coisas, depois da montagem duma Omerod, uma Impressora 3D de montar a partir dum Kit, e até que ela imprima alguma coiusa,  relatado por um Engenhocas, como nós, Andrew Back, no Blogue da DesignSpark:

RepRap Ormerod Commissioning and First Print
Andrew Back

Commissioning, adjustments, axis compensation and a first print.
Upon completing the construction of the Ormerod I started to go through the process of commissioning the printer. However, I ran into a couple of issues and then ran out of time due to other projects.
Having recently picked up where I left off, it quickly became apparent that there have been numerous updates to firmware and documentation — which made everything go a lot smoother this time round.
Replacement Duet board The Duet controller board that shipped with some of the earliest kits had an assembly error that meant that they needed to be plugged in to both the power supply and USB, and as such could not operate without a PC connected and with simply a network connection. Thankfully, RepRapPro offer a board swap service for those early kits and I decided to take advantage of this.

Mas onde é que eu já vi isto?
No FabLabEDP!
Peguem em 800 euros, e vão lá, que vos dão o Kit, e vos ensinam, numa Workshop, como montar a Impressora, que vão levar para casa!
Topem-me só as caras destes Engenhocas felizes!!!

"Fablab" is a short term for “Fabrication Laboratory”, or, like some people prefer to call it,, “Fabulous Laboratory”.
The concept was developed in the Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA) of the Massachussets Institute of Technology (MIT), through a course named How to do (almost) anything, lectured by Prof. Neil Gershenfeld.
A FabLab consists of a set of digital fabrication tools for rapid prototyping, such as milling machines, laser cutter, vynil cutter machines, electronics workbench, computers and programming tools, supported by open source software. This is a concept created for the community, based on "Learn by doing" education, providing the ideal environment for invention. The projects are conceived in 2D (in the computers) and get real in 3D (by the machines). What kind of things you can do in the Fablab? Almost anything, it is your imagination that rules! Currently the labs include computer controlled machines with spatial resolution down to microns, and electronics that have time resolution in microseconds...

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