Quem quizer, que chame a isto "brinquedos bélicos", como se brincar, alguma vez criasse Guerras... Pelo contrário!
Eis uma fantástica "pistola", feita a partir duma Mola da Roupa, que vos trará, com algum cuidado, e senso-comum, muitos bons momentos de Engenquice, Tiro-ao-alvo de Escritório... E brincadeira em geral!
A LittleBits e a Instructables promovem um Concurso de Ideias, que vos dá direito a ganharem prémios com o valor de 1000 Dólares, por isso vão ver como concorrer:
WIN $1,000+ IN PRIZES FROM LITTLEBITS x INSTRUCTABLESCalling all makers! littleBits is teaming up with Instructables.com to showcase amazing littleBits projects that blink, move and buzz. Share your littleBits projects in the Supercharged Contest and compete for a chance to win over $1,000 in prizes, including a $300 littleBits gift card, littleBits Synth Kit, Kindle Fire HDX and an XBox One.
Uma boa ideia a concorrer, a esse Concurso, é este Zoótropo, o Antepassado do Cinema, feito usando LittleBits, e peças impressas em 3D!
make something that does something
littleBits recently had the pleasure of hosting Bilal Ghalib, a hacker aficionado and founder of both GEMSI (Global Entrepreneurship and Maker Space Initiative) and pocketfactory.org at our offices in New York City. We asked Bilal to come spend time with us at littleBits and make the craziest project he could think of.Check out this mind-blowing project in action with an explanation from Bilal about making music with littleBits modules, an Excel spreadsheet, iPad apps and light tricks.http://littlebits.cc/guest-maker-spotlight-bilal-ghilad
Adeptos de Engenhocas, e Aparelhagens Antigas, etc. eis algo que vos vai agradar, como restaurar aquelas Peças em Baquelite, esse Antepassado dos Plásticos modernos:
Restore Bakelite to Original Finish
Bakelite is an early plastic, developed at the start of the 20th century. It was one of the first synthetic plastics ever to be produced. All those beautiful old radios that you see for sale in antique stores are most likely made from Bakelite. Also made from Bakelite was a lot of electrical appliances such as light switches, telephones, and also wire insulation. The reason why it worked so well was it's high resistance - not only to electricity, but to heat and chemical action.
Ok - enough of the history lesson. This Instructable is about how to restore Bakelite to its original shine and lustre. Over time Bakelite starts to oxidise due to sunlight and over time will become dull. The surface has a thin layer of oxidised material which can be removed with some careful cleaning.
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