Blog Posts

terça-feira, 28 de agosto de 2012

Brasil na onda, Neutrões à medida, e Arcos a partir de Skis

O Brasil é grande, ele é rico, mas as suas maiores riquezas, e inesgotáveis,  são a Inventiva, e a Iniciativa, Brasileiras!
Na Categoria da Ideias Ovo-de-Colombo, "Simples", mas só depois de alguém as ter, eis como aproveitar a Energia que nunca pára, a das Ondas...

Usina de ondas lançada na Rio +20

Na onda de fontes renováveis, País atenta agora para o oceano, cuja capacidade energética é promissora
A usina de ondas do Porto do Pecém, que transforma os movimentos do oceano em energia, será lançada, oficialmente, durante o evento Rio +20, a ser realizado entre os dias 13 e 22 desse mês. Pioneiro na América Latina, o projeto, inicialmente, irá abastecer o próprio Porto. De autoria do Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia (Coppe) - vinculado à UFRJ - e financiado pela Tractebel, contando, ainda, com o apoio do governo do Estado do Ceará, o empreendimento instala, no Brasil, experiências conhecidas em outros países, como Portugal, Holanda, Japão e Reino Unido.

Os Detectores de Explosivos, Analisadores de maquinaria pesada, e tantos outros Aparelhos que dependem da emissão de Neutrões, eram grandes, caros, e Radioactivos, mas agora, já não!
Este é um Transistor!
Composto dos Materiais normais para Transistor, e Deutério, é barato, e inofensivo.

World's smallest neutron generator – it's not just for nukes anymore

By Brian Dodson

Neutron generators provide materials analysis and non-destructive testing tools to many industries, including oilfield operations, heavy mechanical production, art conservancy, detective work, and medicine. Many of these applications have been limited by the rather large size of current industrial and medical neutron sources. Now Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), whose main job is to develop and support the non-nuclear parts (including neutron generators) of nuclear weapons, has invented a new approach toward building tiny neutron generators called neutristors.

Querem aproveitar a Energia das Ondas, também? Podem fazê-lo, em pequena escala, adeus geradores barulhentos na praia:

Small-scale wave-power - free energy from the beach!


Wave power is a much-neglected source of renewable energy.  More consistent and reliable than wind, it is suffering badly from lack of investment.

There are two main focuses for wave-power; off-shore waves, where the rolling action is exploited by floating buoys or the proven Pelamis system, and on-shore systems, where waves are used to push volumes of air through turbines, like the Limpet system, currently running off the Island of Islay.

This project is a proof-of-concept for a micro-scale system, based on the general concepts of the Limpet, that could developed into a useful source of power for remote beach communities, or exploited commercially to charge tourists' gadgets at the beach.

E quem veja um Par de Skis abandonado, fica a saber que tem ali o Material para fazer um Arco recurvo de qualidade!
Atenção, primeiro, à Legislação local, quanto ao Arco... 

Re-curve Bow from Skis

mr magic

During my most recent skiing outing and I flexed my skis in such an extreme manner that Glenn Plake himself would have gone white as snow,my brain retained this idea that skis must be unbreakable.

So without much ado,I dug out the old vokle skis from the shed and got stuck in with a grinder and.............. that's pretty much the only tool you need.

I've made various types of bows over the years and this has been the simplest and most powerful by far and can also be dismantled for ease of storage or transport.

length and width of finished bow is personal preference and I imagine different eras or skis and models could be stronger or more flex.You could probably use a snowboard as would have benefit of having both ends re- curved or a freestyle ski ( but could be too long)

Like most sports you can set yourself up fro the whole sport at a garage sale for about 20 bucks, but whats the fun in that? 

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