Blog Posts

sábado, 1 de outubro de 2011

Ponoko e acrílico para òculos de sol

Estão a sair novos materiais e novas espessuras noos materiais;

No Acrílico Verde, vai até 6mm:

Para Acrílico Transparente, uma nova espessura, desta vez para o mais fino, de 1,5 mm, porreira para uma camada protectore, por exemplo, ou para o que vos der na telha!

E esta pequena maravilha, ACRÍLICO POLARIZADO, para indicadores de LEDs nas nossas engenhocas electrónicas,

Ou para os vossos próprios Óculos de Sol, atenção, Designers.

...E para a semana, eles voltam ao ataque com mais uma novidade bacana...

NEW laser-cutting materials: Polarizing Film + new acrylic thicknesses
We’ve got 3 updates to the Ponoko US materials catalog. Up first, a new thickest thickness of 6mm/0.236″ in Green Acrylic.

Next, a super useful and versatile new thinnest thickness of 1.5mm/0.06″ in Clear Acrylic. Great for use as a protective layer.

Last but definitely not least, we’ve now got Polarizing Film! This light grey laminate material of .8mm/0.03″ has a tinted polarizing layer and glossy finish. It’s typically used in making sunglasses and LCD screens.

And keep your eye on the blog next week for a material related announcement we think you’ll really like!

E da Formulor, mais cores em Acrílico Fluorescente, que é o tal que absorve a Luz pela superfície e a emite pelas arestas:

NEW fluorescent acrylics available at Formulor!
The folks at Formulor have been busy! The Makerplatz festival in Berlin, the world’s longest marble run, cute lasercut tape-cutting freebies, and now…

4 new fluorescent acrylics added to their materials catalog!
Say guten tag to fluorescent yellow, red, blue, and green.

Fluorescent acrylic absorbs light through its surface and emits it through its edges, creating a super cool effect especially mixed with engraving.

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