Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 2 de agosto de 2010


Um Top dos Gadgets...

Os Robots Ajudantes, para Deficientes Motores, Idosos, e uma data de mais coisas, até um Robot-Mordomo... Impecável!

...E um passo em frente na direcção dos Computadores Quantum:

On the path to quantum computers: Ultra-strong interaction between light and matter realized

Researchers around the world are working on the development of quantum computers that will be vastly superior to present-day computers. Here, the strong coupling of quantum bits with light quanta plays a pivotal role. Professor Rudolf Gross, a physicist at the Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany, and his team of researchers have now realized an extremely strong interaction between light and matter that may represent a first step in this direction.

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