Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2016

Cinco! 5 Dicas para 3D, Óptica, 5 Dicas de Baterias, Circuitos Impressos, e um Laboratório de Electrónica

Onshape, o fantástico Programa 3D Online, vem-vos dar 5 Dicas para causar uma boa Impressão, imprimindo Objectos de qualidade...

Top 5 Design Tips for 3D printing

Designing for 3D printing can be quite different than designing for other purposes. Something that looks beautiful in your CAD program could be extremely difficult or messy to print which creates a frustrating experience for any Maker.

Optica e Impressão 3D, dica da Sculpteo, ora eis mais uma aplicação para a Impressão 3D,  que vai realizar muitos Sonhos de Engenhocas!


Engineers have a bright future in 3D printing & optics
Jess Hedstrom

The optical industry is one of the most exciting industries affected by additive manufacturing, as well as one of the oldest. The earliest known lenses were made from polished crystal in 750 BC and though we’ve seen upgrades to the industry over the centuries thanks to engineering, we are at the brink of an amazing breakthrough! 3D printers, both professional and desktop, are pushing the boundaries of what can be done. Today we are going to discover how this industry is being democratized before our eyes.
In this article we will uncover the benefits of 3D printing technology on lens + frame manufacturing, while at the same time discovering how the ocular medical industry is shifting thanks to the technology. We also dissect how LED lighting and virtual reality have utilized additive manufacturing to make giant leaps in the optical industry.

Eis 5 maneiras de usar baterias, para vos facilitar a vida, com Ferramentas simples, e gastando pouco:

5 Simple Battery Hacks
by The Science Brony

Hello everyone, this is the science brony. I will show you a few innovative ways to use batteries for different things. They require very little tools and will save you money. As Pinkie Pie says: enough chit-chat! Time is candy!

Circuitos Impressos, e como os fazer com Químicos achados em casa, nas vossas Cozinhas!

Is the best PCB etchant in every kitchen ?

After a lot of reading and inspiring from Instructables for two years now I decided to step ahead and do my first Instructable on two subjects I particularly like : PCB making & The scientific method.
Feel free to comment and criticize my work, I think scientific method is also about improving and discussing the best way to experiment :) !
English is not my native language so please excuse my hesitating grammar.
5/30 Edit : I would like to thank you all for supporting this Instructables in the Scientific Method contest =D See you for other experiments !

E se têem pouco espaço, notem só esta solução para um Laboratório de Electrónica, num cantinho à maneira:

Make A One Desk Electronics Lab (in a small place, for beginners)

Living without closets and without a work room isn't easy, really don't like that I have a small room. We have a weekend house, that I'm visiting very often because I have a whole electronics lab there (with Arduino stations and many more), but here at home in my extremly small room I haven't enough space to make a fully functional lab, so I should be creative.
In this Instructable I'll show and explain you how to organize your desk to have everything that is neccesary for electronics projects. I'll show you that what kind of tools and parts are needed in your inventory. If you're a beginner hope I'll help you. I also will show you some life hacks that you may find useful. If you liked this Instructable let me know if you want to see my electronics workplace.

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