Blog Posts

sábado, 12 de dezembro de 2015

Um Fab-Inventor Peruano, Mindests, um Transformer, e uma Multi-Máquina

Arquitecto, Designer, Fabber, e Inventor, eis um Peruano em Roma, mas que orgulha a sua Nação, com estas Invenções que permitem fazer-se muito, com pouco:


Entrevista a nuestro connacional inventor Eder Laureano León

A Mindsets oferece-vos, entre outros Brinquedos, um AirZooka, por isso, vão lá ver, que é bom!   


Laser Air Zooka 
The Laser Airzooka is the same bucket shaped, high-tech, soft combat, high velocity air cannon that you've come to know and love, but this time it's been equipped with a "laser".
"Paint" your target with the laser, pull back the quick release, sprung firing mechanism and let loose on your unsuspecting victim. They'll be hit by an incredibly focused ball of air sending hair and paperwork flying all over the office.
If you thought the Airzooka was a blast just imagine how much fun you could have with a Laser Airzooka.
A bucket shaped, high tech, soft combat, high velocity air cannon with laser targeting system. The targeting sight is a Class I laser - do not under any circumstances shine in anyone's eyes.
Suitable for ages 16 years +.
Requires 2 x AAA batteries (not included). 

..Eis algo com tudo o que nos encanta, é feito por Impressão 3D, usa um Arduino, Android, e é uma grande Engenhoca!
E como podem fazer tudo isto em casa, é de aproveitar. 

3D Printed "Transformers" Robot - Spiderbot


The Spiderbot is an imitation of the "Transformers". It is a RC quadruped robot and has two modes of operation: spider and vehicle, just like the robots in "Transformers". It is Arduino-based and controlled by Android phone using Bluetooth. It does not have any kinematic calculation inside. The robot cannot be played on rough round as it needs to slip slightly. You should check out the Youtube video demonstration first!

Hope you like it!  

...E se precisavam duma desculpa para começarem a mexer com o Sistema Makerblock, eis aqui uma Multi-Máquina, feita com esse autêntico Meccano do Século 21!
Vem quase tudo da Makerblock, estrutura, motor, etc: 

How to Make a Five-in-One Mini Wood Working Machine


Recently,I found myself so into wood making. Therefore, on the 18th Maker Marathon of Makeblock holding on Nov. 28th, I decided to DIY a mini wood-working machine which covers the functionalities of the lathe, drill machine, a milling machine, grinder, and sawing machine.
Most parts are from: 

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