Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 6 de maio de 2013

A Newsletter da CNCKing, e carradas de Instructables!

O nosso amigo Jon Cantin, fornece-vos esta Newsletter, a padido, e não é que têem à vossa disposição notícias e ainda, uma data de Projectos fantásticos, como a minha ElastomatiK?


May Newsletter

3D Printer, Laser & Table Router Files!

I've been rather delinquent on sending these newsletters out... always more work than hours but I'll try to get these out at least once a month from now on.

If you haven't already, be sure to subscribe to the blog, I've added a new option (right column) to make it easy for you to keep up to date as soon as something gets published.

Nitinol, a fantástica Liga Metálica com memória!
Qual o Engenhocas que não quer experimentar com isto?
Pois agora, podem fazer este Metal-Maravilha em casa, e aconselho-vos vivamente a fazerem o Download do Pdf:

How to Form Memory Wire Nitinol 
Memory wire, a.k.a. Nitinol, a.k.a. Muscle Wire, a.k.a. Flexinol, is a nifty metal alloy (mixture) of Nickel (NI) and Titanium (TI). The NOL stands for Naval Ordinance Laboratory, where the memory properties were discovered by William J. Buehler and Fredrick Wang. If you are interested in buying Nitinol or the history and its many uses, check out these links:

Para os Engenhocas, há sempre uma altura em que vão precisar duma Voltagem mais alta, Muáháháhá!
E é isso que esta simpática Engenhoca faz, aumenta a Voltagem dos vossos Circuitos, e dá por exemplo, para recarregarem os Télélés a partir dum par de Pilhas de 1.5 V:

Adjustable Voltage Step-up (0.7-5.5V to 2.7-5.5V

A voltage step-up is a circuit that increases the voltage. It can be AC/AC, AC/DC, DC/AC or DC/DC.
This voltage step-up is a DC/DC adjustable voltage regulator. Usually a voltage regulator is fed by a higher input than output voltage, for example 9V IN to 5V OUT. This circuit will take a low voltage (down to 0.7V) and step it up to adjustable 2.7-5.5V. Since it is a regulator, the output voltage will stay constant regardless input voltage (0.7-5.5V), as long as output voltage is higher than input. It cannot step-down, only step-up. Are there any ICs that can do both?

I build it for usage in this project:

This is a typical circuit for a battery-powered USB-charger, for example two AA batteries (3V) to power 5V USB. There are tons of DIYs how to create that. They are often hard-specified to 5V output power. This construction can be used in a range of other applications. Many electronic devices work within 3-5 V and often you want to power them by low voltage power sources.

Uma Bicicleta para dois... 
Agora que veio a Primavera, levem as Namoradas e / ou Esposas, nesta Bicilcleta, que é Romântico à brava:

Diy tandem

Gael - Tim
Ok, to begin with I'm sorry about the limited amount of pictures taken during the actual build. I was a little bit too excited while building this to think of regularly taking pictures, some of you might know a little bit about this... So if the pictures don't make it clear enough, feel free to ask questions! I've wanted to build a tandem for quite a long time but never really found the will power to do so... until I met my girlfriend! :D I asked her "If I build a tandem, would you trust me and my creation enough to ride it with me?". The answer was "YES", so from that moment I was determined to build ourselves a tandem! I scavenged two old bikes, one with a frame large enough for me and another with a smaller frame for mademoiselle. Oh, if you didn't get it yet, the idea was to cut and weld two bike frames together to make the tandem, and that's pretty much EXACTLY what I did. 

E prá Brincadeira, para os Tempos Livres, eis um Projecto porreiro, uma mesa de Flippers em Miniatura, para jogarem Pinball nas vossas Tablets, como deve de ser...
É bom, esperem, é mais que bom!

Já viram que se pode ganhar uns cobres, na maior moleza, a fazer disto pró Pessoal, Malta?

Mini Pinball 

Make an awesomely playable mini pinball, out of an Android tablet, real arcade buttons, some wood and some software!

There are some very good Android pinball applications. But I do not like to play using the touchscreen (I always end up hitting the home or menu icons).

I just needed real buttons, so I built this cabinet. The result is really reactive, and give full justice to these amazing 3D pinball simulators!

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