Blog Posts

domingo, 20 de março de 2011


Mais uma maravilha tirada da página Facebook da Ponoko.

Não têem uma Inpressora 3D?
Façam "papier maché", mas com Epoxy díluida!
Fácil, não é? 
... Foi preciso foi ALGUÉM pensar nisso!

What happens if you don’t have a 3d printer of your own, yet you find yourself suffering from a serious case of AME*?
*nb – Additive Manufacturing Envy. It’s here, and it’s real.
One enterprising student from Nagoya City University in Japan has taken matters into his own hands by simulating 3d printing.
Beginning with a 3d paper structure, he then pours layers of diluted epoxy to gradually build up a consistent solid coating. Because of the liquid’s viscosity, the resulting surface is smooth and does not need any finishing.!/notes/ponoko/simulated-3d-printing-on-the-cheap/10150112045802547

Pegam nesta ideia e no Pepakura,
...Que  agora até vem com um add-on para fazer funcionar a máquina de cortar Papel Craft Robo,

E toca a Fabricar!

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