Blog Posts

terça-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2011


Uma casa à prova de catástrofes, e feita de plástico reciclado...

Recycled plastic housing resists earthquakes, hurricanes, rot, insects and mould

By Karen Sprey

Each year natural disasters and civil unrest leave hundreds of thousands of people homeless throughout the world. Many of these crises occur in developing nations where traditional building materials are either unavailable or prohibitively expensive, and where the focus is often on staying alive, not maintenance of a home. The ECO:Shield system from Innovative Composites International Inc. (ICI) may present a welcome solution. The earthquake and hurricane resistant houses use recyclable materials and according to ICI, are cheaper than both conventional and other modular constructions.

A Honda faz um Avião a jacto particular, que é mais rápido e económico, devido ao seu uso de Fibra de Vidro:

Honda Flies A Fuel-Efficient Jet Prototype

A unique shape made possible by composites helps cut fuel consumption while allowing faster speeds.

Honda has moved closer to bringing its first jet to market—one that uses 20 percent less fuel than similar-sized planes while also flying faster. A prototype of Honda's light jet, which will seat five to six passengers and is scheduled to go on sale next year, made its first flight last month.
The airplane makes extensive use of composite materials—a combination of carbon fiber and resins that reduces a plane's weight. So far the materials are rare in business jets, though they've become common in small, home-built kit planes. They are also beginning to see more use by big jet makers such as Airbus and Boeing, which are seeking ways to reduce fuel consumption. 

Um Híbrido entre uma Bateria e um Condensador, algo que é procurado há muito:

A Battery-Ultracapacitor Hybrid
A device for power tools may also help regenerative braking.

By Prachi Patel

By combining the chemistries of ultracapacitors and lithium-ion batteries, a company called Ioxus has created a hybrid energy-storage device that could recharge power tools in minutes and might never need to be replaced. The company says future incarnations could perhaps be used to capture energy from braking vehicles.

Ultracapacitors capture and release energy in seconds and can do so millions of times, but they store only about 5 percent as much energy as lithium-ion batteries. The hybrid can store more than twice the energy by volume of standard ultracapacitors. That's still much less than a lithium-ion battery, but the hybrid can be recharged quickly over 20,000 times as against a few hundred cycles for a typical battery. 

... E algo de realmente estranho, Vespas que produzem Electricidade a partir do Sol!

As every middle-school child knows, in the process of photosynthesis, plants take the sun's energy and convert it to electrical energy. Now, a Tel Aviv University team has demonstrated how a member of the animal kingdom, the Oriental hornet, takes the sun's energy and converts it into electric power in the brown and yellow parts of its body.

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