Blog Posts

sábado, 6 de janeiro de 2018

OMA! E desenferrujar, CNC acessível, 3D + tubos, e vídeo do Facebook

Não é "Toma!" mal-escrito, é mesmo OMA, Projecto interessantíssimo de Maria Boavida, utilizadora de Fablabs, e muito bem utilizadas foram as horas que lá passou...

Trata-se de reciclar, mas com Classe! 

Uma delícia para os olhos, estes trabalhos da nossa amiga Maria, um orgulho para o seu País, usando padrões de crochet da sua Avó, para criar estas maravilhas.

OMA creates furniture and homeware from reclaimed materials like wood, glass, fabric, cardboard and cork.

The keyword is upcycling
- reducing waste by giving a new purpose to people’s unwanted items.
By combining traditional and digital fabrication processes, our goal is to (re)make sustainable products that have a story to tell and are useful to people’s lives.

E, como tudo está interligado, a reciclagem também é retirar ferrugem de Ferramentas e tudo o resto, par devolver á vida o que é apenas "lixo"...
Vejam como é fácil, com Química:

Rusty Junk to Useful Stuff EASY With Chemistry!
by Cheese Queen

Backyard DIY Electrolysis for Rust Removal on Cast Iron and Tools
I'll bet everyone reading this has a secret stash of rusty something-or-other; Granny's Dutch oven, tools left in the rain, a cool garage sale find. If only there was some quick and easy way to return the metal to bright and shiny...
There is. Here's a sweat-free, pain-free method of removing every particle of rust from your rusty junk- using the miracle of electrolysis and some random stuff you probably already have laying around.

Uma Máquina CNC por menos de 200 Dólares?
Cá vai mais uma maneira de terem acesso ao Mundo da Fabricação, por quase nada:

Low Budget CNC

This is the third iteration of my low budget CNC router design, which I began working on when I was in need of a cheap CNC machine some years ago. The idea behind this machine, is that it should be cheap and simple, making it possible for people on a low budget (like me being a student) to build a CNC machine using only a few tools. For that reason most of the parts can be found in a regular hardware store, and the design is slimmed down to requiring only the truly necessary parts.
It should be possible to keep costs below 200 USD including everything from nuts, to cable sleeves and CNC controller.
In this instructable I will do my best to explain how I made this machine, so that you can do one on your own!
Detailed bill of materials, files for 3D printing and drawings are available in this instructable. I have spent some time on drawing the machine in Fusion360, making it possible to take a closer look on the construction.

Não é preciso um Instructable volumoso, para vos ajudar a realizar os vossos Projectos, sem se arruínarem, com a vossa Impressora 3D a fabricar só o que é mesmo preciso...
Se não entenderem o alcançe desta simples ideia, esperem pelo Instructable, mas vão ter de esperar.
Podem descarregar o objecto, já agora, ver o link:

Flatten a tube, print in 3D, rivet your Inventions.
Edgar Castelo

This should be self-evident, if you can 3D print this simple piece, you can take any tube and assemble stuff like Meccanos.

Download it from here:

Or, have your 3D printer, or some other, where you live, print it, link soon. 

Não acham irritante, não poderem descarregar um vídeo que vos interessa, apenas que seja, para referência?
pois podem agora, até descarregar do muito irritante Facebook, é só copiarem o link, e irem a este Site:

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YooDownload is an easy way to download videos online from the many video websites like Youtube, Facebook, Vimeo and many others...
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